IMED3001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intercostal Arteries, Aorta, Hemothorax

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Segment bronchi divide and give rise to bronchioles: Diameter of 1 mm or less. Divide bronchopulmonary segments into pulmonary lobules. (smallest function unit respiratory bronchioles and alveolar sacs) Bronchioles divide further into the terminal and respiratory bronchioles. Right lung one bronchial artery (from 3rd posterior intercostal artery) Left lung two bronchial arteries (from aorta) Supply oxygenated blood as far as respiratory bronchioles, to lung tissue and visceral pleura. Drain only part of the blood supplied by the bronchial arteries. Right drains into azygous, left into accessory hemi-azygous vein. Are the anatomical, functional and surgical units of the lungs: Each segment partitioned by connective tissue septa. Each segment aerated by segmental bronchus. Each segment has a segmental artery. Segmental vein lies in the intersegmental fibrous septa. Each segment has bronchial vessels, lymphatics and autonomic nerves. The presence of air or blood in the pleural cavity. Underlying disease of the lung and airway, lung cancer, resuscitation, ventilation and a genetic predisposition.