MGMT1135 Study Guide - Final Guide: Job Satisfaction, Social Learning Theory, Social Cognitive Theory

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13 Dec 2020

Document Summary

Overall job satisfaction = satisfaction of each facet. Both global approach and facet approach are helpful! The single global rating is not very time-consuming. The summation of job facets helps managers focus on problems and deal with them quickly and accurately. Your fellow employees have a terrible work situation. They work in an old, unattractive building with an antiquated heating system. The work itself is tedious and the supervisor is rarely available. A) receiving recognition for a job well done. C) having the supervisor "hang around" more. Self-efficacy theory is an individual"s belief that he or she is capable of performing a task. Gaining relevant experience with the task or job. Becoming more confident because you see someone else doing the task. Occurring when a person is more confident because someone convinces him that (s)he has the skills. Leads to an energized state, driving a person to complete the task.