MKTG1203 Study Guide - Final Guide: Micromarketing

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Services The Intangible Product
Characteristics of Services:
o Cannot be touched, tasted or seen
o Difficult to convey benefits of service
o Service providers offer cues to help customers experience and
perceive service more positively
o Difficult to promote cannot be shown directly to customers
o Marketers use images/symbols to reinforce benefits
Inseparable production and consumption
o Customers rarely have opportunity to try before they buy
o Service can’t be returned after it has been performed
o Service firms provide extended warranties and 100% satisfaction
o Variability in service’s quality
o Micromarketing segmentation strategy customize service to
meet customers needs exactly
o Cannot be stored for use in the future
o Provides challenges/opportunities to marketers in terms of
matching supply and demand
Service Gaps Model:
Knowledge gap
o Understanding expectation of customers
o Firms undertake customer research and increase
interaction/communication between managers and employees
o Customer expectations based on knowledge and experience
o Expectations vary between types of service and situation
o Service quality customers’ perceptions of how well a service
meets/exceeds expectations difficult to evaluate
o 5 distinct service dimensions
Reliability ability to perform service dependably and
Responsiveness willingness to help customers and
provide service
Assurance knowledge and courtesy of employees to
convey trust and confidence
Empathy individualized attention provided to customers
Tangibles appearance of facilities, equipment, etc.
o Expectations based on perception of how service falls within
service dimensions
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