SSEH2270 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stage Fright, Basking In Reflected Glory, Born Bad

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Athletes and coaches in a variety of sports claim mental factors more important that physical factors in determining performance. Competition = a social process that occurs when rewards are given to people for how their performance compares with the performance of others during the same task or when participating in the same event coakley 1994. Self-centred, directed efforts at beating others, closed communication, group conflict and mistrust. Co-operation = a social process through which performance is evaluated and rewarded in terms of the collective achievement of a group of people working together to reach a particular goal. Open communication, shared information, developed friendships, more success. Social process = requires more than one person. Martens (1975) competition as a 4 phase process: objective competitive situation. Situation where performance is compared with some standard of excellence. Requires presence of at least one other person who is aware of the comparion.