BIOL 3P50- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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They are refer due to the unbalance share of electrons between 2 nuclei, this creates a dipole moment. A special case of dipole-dipole interaction is hydrogen bonding which only occurs in atoms n,f and o. the referred bond is not the share of electron but the partition share of electron density between nuclei. The range of interaction for a hydrogen bond is max 3a (x10-10m) if the distance surpasses. If a molecule present hydrogen bonding it increases its solubility due to the polarity within the molecule. An ionic bond will occur when there is the transfer of an electron between 2 nuclei. This is caused because of the difference in electronegativity. Van der walls interaction can be simplified as 2 compounds non-polar that are placed close to each other. The interaction between the molecules is created due to the electron cloud rather than the electron density of the molecule this demands the proxomity between the 2 molecules.