[ETHC 3P82] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (47 pages long!)

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Make an honest effort to understand the situation, to distinguish facts from mere opinion: Knowing the facts and carefully reviewing the circumstances helps in resolving disagreements at an early stage. This requires the ability to recognize a decision or issue as an ethical decision or ethical issue. In certain situations, issue identification becomes the first step and determining the facts becomes the second step. In many business situations, what appears to be an ethical issue for one person will be perceived as a simple financial decision by others. First, recognize that business or economic decisions and ethical decisions are not mutually exclusive. Being sensitive to ethical issues is an important characteristic that needs to be cultivated in ethically responsible people. We need to ask how our decisions will impact the well-being of the people involved. To the degree that a decision affects the well-being of the people involved, it is a decision with ethical implications.