SOCI 1F90 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hidden Curriculum, World Health Organization, Monetary Inflation

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Document Summary

Hidden curriculum - indirectly teaching obedience in a capitalist society, marginalized races, gendered expectations of teachers; ex. indigenous residential schools. Meritocracy - a society in which resources are distributed fairly on the basis of merit, talent, ability of past performance and based on those facts they move upward/downward in the system. Conflict theory - formal education has been designed by and maintained by the ruling elite class, schools teach the hidden curriculum implicitly conveyed to students, therefore reproduces social inequality, testing serves to protect that status quo. Symbolic interactionism - approach to education/schooling examines the meaning attached to school practices (teachers, students, administrators, and parents) ex. symbolic aspects to curriculum, language, knowledge, class setting, teachers labelling students. Mcdonalization - notion that institutions are expected to function in ever more efficient ways, with a high degree of predictability and standardization. Residential schools - intent to convert indigenous children to civilized beings that reflect.