[SPMA 1P91] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (34 pages long!)

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Managing sport lecture 1 notes- january 12, 2017. Sport management is the study and the practice of all people, activities, businesses, or organizations involved in producing, facilitating, promoting, or organizing any sport-related business or product. An academic discipline, just like chemistry or history. Focus on theory developed through research conducted by social science researchers. Managers within the sport industry manage their organizations/programs/etc on a daily basis. Sport management taught in a university setting must balance both academic theory and real- world practitioner relevance. Three approaches to defining the nature and scope of the sport industry are types of sports, settings for sporting activities, and sport industry segments. There are traditional sports like baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, football, etc . There are also extreme sports that have come to surface lately such as boogie boarding, indoor soccer, x-games, parasailing, etc. Extreme sports is a general term for a collection of action sports involving adrenaline- including exploit.