GINS 2010- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Concerned with the most abstract foundational questions, such as the possibility of moral truth. Concerned with moral theories that provide answers about how to determine moral rightness and wrongness. Concerned with applying normative ethics to particular issues and situations. Shapcott (international) separates people into groups, whereas hutchings (global) includes all people no matter their citizenship or borders physically separating them. A descriptor of the international system of states. This view is simplistic, tends to paint a false and limited inside-outside dichotomy focused overwhelmingly on states. World seems to be shrinking (instant communication, etc. ) Truly universal morality, making national borders morally irrelevant. Cosmopolitanism and globalization: more readily see suffering of others. Two types of approaches to morality: rationalist moral theories ( philosophical" ethics, beyond rationalism ( critical" ethics) These are types of moral theories that you are most likely to encounter in an ethics".