NEUR 3200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Ectoderm, Animal Cognition

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Understand the origin of the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes, including reference to the notochord and floorplate. Floorplate and notochord signals to neuroectodermal cells of developing cns creating a dorsal-ventral signaling axis. Neural crest cells migrate from neural tube to periphery. Migrations influenced by origin of cell along anteroposterior axis which dictates precise collection of hox genes in the cell. Understand the origin, and developmental fate of neural crest cells. Located at dorsal limit of neural tube. Will form various neuronal structures: sensory and visceral motor (autonomic) ganglia, neurosecretory cells of adrenal gland, neurons of enteric ns. Be able to name 5 molecules/classes of molecules that act as signaling molecules during neural induction/patterning. Fibroblast growth factor (fgf), mediate cell proliferation and differentiation. Bone morphogenetic proteins (bmp), lead to phosphorylation and activation of tfs. Wnt, noncanonical pathway involved in lengthening neural plate/tube; canonical pathway influences cell proliferation, adhesion and differentiation. Sonic hedgehog (shh), peptide hormone involved in closing neural tube.