PSYC 2600 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Heritability, Hexaco Model Of Personality Structure, Psychopathy

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The goal of a personality taxonomy is to organize descriptors and use these different areas. A taxonomy is a system that includes within it all of the major traits of personality. Once the important traits have been idenfitied, the next step is to formulate an organized scheme - a taxonomy, within which to assemble the individual traits. Example: the periodic table of elements is a taxonomy of all of the physical elements that have been discovered. Trait-descriptive adjective trait descriptive adjectives (words) that describe traits (attributes of a person that are characteristic of a person and perhaps enduring over time). Traits as internal causal properties (the cause of traits and internal to you, this thing, a need or motive, is what stimulates or spurs you forward). He carries this desire from situation to situation and these traits can explain their behaviour. It causes us to act in specific ways.