RELI 1715 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Three Roots, Maurya Empire, Anatta

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Tilakhana: life is endless, subject to permanence, suffering, uncertainty, basically the three are impermanence, egolessness, and suffering. Samsara: condition of suffering and endless rebirth, opposite of nirvana. It is a state of profound spiritual joy, without negative emotions and fears. Filled with compassion for all living things: not same thing as the rebirth of discreet souls (in hinduism) but it is a rebirth for karmic tendencies, eightfold path gives remedy and the path to liberation. Four noble truths explains the stress and disappoints of life. Middle way: noble eightfold path is the middle of moderation between the extremes of sensual indulgence and self-mortification, eightfold path: path to enlightenment, sermon of the founder of buddhism delivered after suddhartha(cid:859)s enlightenment. It is the fourth of the four noble truths. Noble truth of the path that leads to awakening. Sort of a paradox, help you to the unconditioned.