SOCI 3410 Study Guide - Final Guide: Takers, Crime Prevention, Police Services Act Of Ontario

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25 Feb 2015

Document Summary

Police services act of ontario governs all police agencies. 5 main functions of police in ontario (exam question?) Crime prevention (act is too vague as to what this really is) *most time is spent doing desk work and order maintenance* Noble cause corruption: officer believes that good outcomes can justify bad behaviour. Also causes resentment (charging someone and having that case thrown out). 4 sources of cynicism: ay absorb it through contact with the established police culture. 1. pressure on them to conform to the subculture. 1. means to achieve these (eg, missed promotions) They may learn it in the socialization process in the subculture. Occupational anomie since they accept the goals; however are not given the. It can be caused by the individual themselves (how well trained they are, how do. Four stages of how cynicism varies over a police career: The cynicism is directly proportionate to the length of service (levels off at the.