CAEP 0203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Topic Sentence, Cardiovascular Disease, Overconsumption

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Narrow down the topic by focusing on one possible aspect. Requirement: include a reference to one reliable source of information. It can be included in your introduction, or as one of the details in your outline. Give your reference according to the format taught in class. If you use material provided by your teacher (articles, videos), also give your reference: rhetorical mode chosen: Our food choices have a critical impact on our health and environment: paragraph 1. Topic sentence: harmful health effects that our poor food choices impose on us, especially overconsumption of salt who causes cardiovascular diseases. Eleven million deaths globally in 2017 can be attributed to cardiovascular disease, which is often caused or made worse by obesity and poor diet in particuar an overconsumption of salt. (wingard, 2019) our dietary decisions have a direct impact on our health. If we adopt a more respectful diet on the planet, the repercussions would undoubtly be different: paragraph 2: