PSYC 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Methyl Group, Neural Tube, Methylation

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The nervous system is the rst major bodily system to take form in an embryo. A ridge forms on one side of the sphere then builds up at its edges to become a deep groove. The ridges fold together and fuse to a enclose the grove, coming a structure called neural tube (grows the spinal cord). Ontogeny : how it develops within given a given individual . Rapidly developing, allowing a newborn to enter the world with a fairly sophisticated set of abilities. Phylogeny : how it developed within a particular species is a much slower process. Gene : the major unit of hereditary transmission: sections on a strand of dna that code for the protein molecules that a ect traits. Nature: in uence of genetics on behaviour, traits, and psychological disorders. Nurture: environmental in uence on behaviours, traits, and psychological disorders. Degree of relatedness : probability of sharing genes.