ECON-1006EL Midterm: ECON Summary

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Federalism: spinelli headed the european union of federalism which was founded in. 1946 to depoliticize the process of the transfer of power away from national governments. It was born out of many resistance movements at the time. Whilst in prison spinelli drafted a manifesto (ventotene manifesto) with the set aims of quashing any chance of the wealthy regaining power in faux democratic societies, which would eventually inspire greed leading to war, by creating a european federation. This planned to make use of the defragmentation of states caused by the war, but didn(cid:96)t come to fruition. Desired outcome: european federation and peace through common constitution. Big bang - post war defragmentation, loss of sovereignty. Functionalism: mitrany believed the root of war was nationalism, he was against international federalism and regional federalism. He proposed a series of separate international functional agencies each charged with authority over a single aspect of human life.