HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Exhibitionism, Physiognomy, Capitalism

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Aristotle downplayed importance of brain, seeing him as condenser of vapours emanating from overheated humours, giving heart a central position. Thomas willis- emphasizes the substance of the brains various structures, rather than spaces and fluids (discovered grey and white matter, white responsible for distributing spirits generated in grey matter) Findings that interruptions of brain blood supply can cause seizures. Gall- showed that 2 halves of the brains are connected by stalks of white matter- commissures. Showed that higher mental functions correlate with size and health of the brain, particularly with cortex. Phrenology- he believed that discrete psychological faculties are localized within specific parts of the brain. Localized characteristic- amativeness in the cerebellum, acquisitiveness in brain beneath, Incorrectly assumed that shape of one"s skull resemble shape of brain; 2. Unreliable methods- he could claim that one organ could counteracted another or explain illness interfering with some of faculties.