HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Operant Conditioning, Systematic Desensitization, Reward System

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All patients should have clearly defined goals in the short, medium and long term that are related to their avoidance and can be incorporated into activity scheduling and regularly monitored. A feature borrowed from acceptance and commitment therapy is to identify the individual"s valued directions and what they want their life to stand for (valued living questionnaire) But values are not goals, they are more like compass and must be lived out by committed action. Sessions are collaborative and the patient is expected to be active and to try to generate solutions, context of the relationship with the therapist is important, therapist identifies improvements in the patient"s daily life and responds to reinforce these. Patients are encouraged to start activity scheduling with short term goals and to treat their timetables as a series of appointments with themselves, gradually identifying problems and establishing valued directions, while monitoring effect on their mood.