PHED-2507EL Study Guide - Final Guide: Adenylyl Cyclase, Posterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary

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What is the mechanism of action of a water-soluble hormone: hormone (1st messenger) binds to receptor, receptor activates g protein, g protein activates adenylate cyclase, adenylate cyclase converts atp to camp (2nd messenger, camp activates protein kinases. Understand the relationships between the hypothalamus and the two pituitary glands. Provide information of all hormones discussed in chapter 16. Oxytocin: strong stimulant of uterine contractions released during childbirth, also acts as hormonal trigger for milk ejection. Growth hormone: produced by somatotropic cells, has direct actions on metabolism and indirect growth-promoting actions, direct actions on metabolism, glucose-sparing actions decrease rate of cellular glucose uptake and metabolism, triggers liver to break down glycogen into glucose. Increases blood levels of fatty acids for use as fuel and encourages cellular protein synthesis: indirect actions of growth, gh triggers liver, skeletal muscle and bone to produce insulin-like growth factors (igfs)