BIOL 205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Allometry, Collagen, Calcium Phosphate

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P3: young"s modulus of elasticity, ratio between stress and strain constant, e quantifies the stiffness of the material. Deformation due to stress = r in length/initial length. Strain has no units = dimensionless, stress = force acting per unit area e = stress/strain e = force acting per unit area. P4: elastic and plastic strain, hooke"s" law: strain is only proportional to stress in true hard objects, elastic strain linear, completely reversible, relating stress to strain. Linear with stress in region of elastic response: plastic strain permanent and non-reversible. After the yield point (additional weight causes small change, strain becomes plastic), then reaches fracture point. P10: relationship of mskel: exoskeleton, generated by secretion to outer surface hardens into rigid structure, muscles attached to inside, gives shape, anchorage, protects, resist bending/buckling. Cells that secrete extracellular matrix collagen + insoluble. When osteoblast completely surrounded by ecm, trapped osteocytes.