ANTHROP 1AA3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Archaic Humans, Human Taxonomy, Homo Sapiens

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One of missing links between apes and humans. It is probable that the gracile came before and the robust formed/evolved from one of the gracile types. Most complete skeleton of a hominid (40% complete) Lucy"s skull resembles that of a modern chimp. Foramen magnum was futher forward than in modern apes. Sites with australopithecus fossils in volcanic or sedimentary caves. Outside of africa- first ones to leave africa to. Africa to other areas of the old world. Less sexual dimorphism- less average size difference between m/f. Paleoanthropology the study of fossil humans and our nearest ancestors- subfield of physical anthropology. Dealing with material that is so old that it is rare to find a complete specimen. Rely upon on fossilized material and reproductions based on fossilized evidence. Hominids emerged in the late miocene or early pliocene time period. Bipedalism is the characteristic that separates hominids from other species. Diastema- reduction of the face, teeth and jaws.