[BIOLOGY 1M03] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (115 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Cooling + climate of the earth led to the evolution of hominins. End of miocene - cooling, less rain, rain seasonality, woodland and savannah spread. Bipedalism led to major morphological changes. Hominoids to hominins - many new adaptations. Human pelvis is different from forest-dwelling apes like the chimp. Torque - created by a twisting force from pelvis. Torso does not tip due to abductor muscles that run from outer side of pelvis to the femur abductors are attached to the ilium. Lengthening neck of femur add to leverage that he abductors can exert and make bipedal walking more efficient. Feet non-grasping big toes and arches. First hominin discovered between 7 to 5 mya sahelanthropus tchadensis. Chimpanzee sized brain, shares many traits with chimpanzees. Hole in the skull through which the spinal cord passes, suggests bipedal locomotion. Dated to 6 mya, found in kenya. Also similar to chimps incisors, canines, premolar.