BIOLOGY 1M03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fixed Action Pattern, Optimal Foraging Theory, Neritic Zone

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17 Mar 2013

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Please identify among the following trait in modern humans that is underived with respect to the trait in nonhuman apes: The wetlands with the slowest water flow and the most acidic water are typically: Members of each race are genetically similar to each other, and genetically different from members of other races: none of the above. Overall grade (highest attempt): 14 / 15 (93. 33 %) Contemporary human foragers rely more heavily on _____ than any other primate. Question options: fruit, meat, vegetable matter, grains. Please select the response that answers most-correctly the question. it is common to observe female birds soliciting extra-pair copulations if they are mated to a male that holds a poor-quality territory. But if a female is mated to a male on a high-quality territory, she is unlikely to solicit copulations with other males. Question options: classical conditioning, mate choice based on resources provided by a male, a fixed action pattern (innate behavior, condition-dependent behavior.