BIOLOGY 1M03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Zygote, Cladistics, Brown Trout

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Chapter 24: evolution by natural selection: define the term evolution . His theory was inconsistent with the creation story in the bible"s book of genesis; went against prevailing scientific and world views held for centuries: briefly discuss the inheritance of acquired characteristics and identify its proponent. Individuals change as they develop in response to challenges posed by the environment, and they pass on these phenotypic changes to offspring. Giraffes develop long necks as they stretch to reach leaves high in treetops, and they then produce offspring with elongated necks. Wallace independently formulated the theory of natural selection (evolution by natural selection) He sent his article of natural selection to darwin, who immediately recognised that they had formulated the same explanation for how populations change through time. Population genetics reconciled mendelian genetics and darwinian evolution. An individual doesn"t evolve but populations do evolve: discuss what is meant by modern synthesis . Genetic basis of variation and natural selection was examined.