BIOLOGY 1M03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Radiocarbon Dating, Tooth Enamel, Thrinaxodon

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Primitive no organisms should be considered lower or higher, it is meant in the ancestral sense. Population usually used in the sense of a community. Climate has changed substantially during the last 65 million years first becoming warmer and less. Potassium argon dating argon is absent from lava so any argon in a volcanic rock is derived from the decay of potassium o works for ages of 500 000+ years. Electron-spin resonance dating similar to previous but instead they measure trapped electrons in apatite crystals which are a component of tooth enamel. Magnetic reversals poles switch, we can see this by studying the shifts of the ocea bottom. Extinct and distinct species of animals there are lots of fossils of pig species in africa this area must be as old as the fossils of these pigs found in it. Thrinaxodon - long, warm blooded, covered with hair, layed eggs. The ancestor of the mammals of today (the monotremes, marsupials, placentals)