BIOLOGY 1M03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ecology, Point Mutation, Tetrapod

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Evolution species change through time: by natural selection: organisms that have traits that allow them to survive and reproduce will take over the population. Fossil any physical trace of an organism that lived in the past; can be dated using: geological techniques (relative [before v. after], radiometric techniques (absolute [how long ago]): based on decay of radioactive isotopes. Microevolution changes within populations (occurs over tens of generations resulting in permanent change). Macroevolution speciation, extinction, etc. (over thousand or tens of thousands of generation). Homology a similarity that is due to common ancestor (not all similarities are homologies): genetic homology. Homology at the level of genetic coding. E. g. humans have a protein that is nearly identical to a fruit fly gene despite not having shared a common ancestor for hundreds of millions of years: developmental homology. Homology in the traits of embryos (developing organisms). Embryos of all vertebrates show striking similarities (all have something resembling gill pouch).