[BIOLOGY 4T03] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (21 pages long!)

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Nervous system function depends upon cell-cell communication. Chemical communication depends upon: the proper molecule in the right amount, getting to the appropriate cellular compartment at the right time. Regulation of gene expression is the key to nervous system function. Chromatic configuration: epigenetics: dna methylation, histone modification. Mrna splicing: alternative splicing and mrna sorting. Important because disorders may occur with unwinding- fragile x: development disorder, one of the autism spectrum disorders, genetic, occurs because a trinucleotide repeat expansion occurs. E(cid:396)ies of (cid:374)u(cid:272)leotides (cid:396)epeated (cid:373)ultiple ti(cid:373)es (cid:449)he(cid:374) it should(cid:374)"t (cid:271)e ends up unwinding the dna at that point. Very severe to where you can see it in a chromosome slide. Part can easily break off and the genetic material is lost. Specific configuration that gives you a nucleosome: nucleosome-spacer-histone-spacer-nucleosome- . Many orders of magnitudes of this helical twisting fibers chromosomes. 4 histones h2a, h2b, h3 and h4. Core of histone molecules wrapped around by the dna = nucleosome.