CHEM 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lead(Ii) Nitrate, Lattice Energy, Conjugate Acid

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CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
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Extensive properties they change such as mass, volume, length, total charge when you take some of the sample. Intensive properties these do(cid:374)(cid:859)t (cid:272)ha(cid:374)ge (cid:449)he(cid:374) (cid:455)ou take so(cid:373)e of the sa(cid:373)ple, like te(cid:373)pe(cid:396)atu(cid:396)e, colour, hardness, melting point, boiling point, pressure, molecular weight, density. Absorption of energy is when the photons hit the metal. Luminol + h2o2 -> gives off energy in form of light. It (cid:272)a(cid:374) help dete(cid:272)t (cid:271)lood e(cid:448)e(cid:374) if it(cid:859)s (cid:272)lea(cid:374)ed a(cid:449)a(cid:455) Iron in blood speeds up this reaction and gives off blue light. Oxybenzone is a main component in many sunscreens. It absorbs uv light to minimize damage to body. This is when photons hit a metal surface. If the photo(cid:374) has (cid:272)e(cid:396)tai(cid:374) th(cid:396)eshold f(cid:396)e(cid:395)ue(cid:374)(cid:272)(cid:455), it(cid:859)ll (cid:396)elease ele(cid:272)t(cid:396)o(cid:374)s a(cid:374)d eje(cid:272)t (cid:449)ith k. e. If you increase frequency of incident light, the speed of ejected electrons increase. If you increase wavelength, frequency decreases, which means speed decreases.