[CHEM 1E03] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (40 pages long!)

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CHEM 1E03 Full Course Notes
CHEM 1E03 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Identify and mass balance redox species: balance electron transfer, balance ionic charges with h+ or oh, balance o and h with h2o. Chapter 7: thermochemistry: the study of energy/heat transfer during a chemical reaction, loud (released) vs. quiet, emit light (released) vs. Absorb light (absorb photons: release heat (i. e. combustion) vs. If h > 0, endothermic reaction, requires input of energy, if h>>>>0 this reaction is difficult. If hf << 0, then the compound is stable. If hf >>0, compound is unstable: allotropes: different physical forms of the same element (i. e. carbon graphite and diamond) 2: vmin for a given metal; kinetic energy of electrons increases as v (frequency) increases); current increases as light intensity increases, einstein: 1 photon extracts 1 electron. Energy of a photon: hv = ei (metal) + ek (e-: light is a stream of photons; mass less energy quantity (wave and/or photons)