CLASSICS 1B03- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 39 pages long!)

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Myth= mythos= story its as a beginning middle and end. No one myth is correct ( the story always varies from each version) Common knowledge/ history link to the past through oral transmission it allowed the romans / greeks to make sense of there words literature. Cultural/ artistic interpretation myth is always relevant and is never attached to a date in time, ex: science. Zeus: king, father of many children ( gods and mortals), subject to human desires. Hermes: son of zeus, messenger to the gods escorts souls to the underworld. Apollo: son of zeus, the prophecy of delphi: poetry and music, medicine and plague. Athena: daughter of zeus, virgin (did not hate men), war/wisdom. Ares: son of zeus and hera, god of war (violence) Aphrodite: goddess of love and desire, connection to ares, see love as destructive not necessarily sunshine and rainbows. Poseidon: brother of zeus, god of the sea.