CLASSICS 2MT3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Glans Penis, Hypochondriasis, Uterus

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Chapter 1: terminations x-orrhexis x-iasis x-o-cent/es/is x-o/rrhaph/y x-o-pex/y x-o-lys/is x-o-trop/ism x-o-trop/ic x-o-phag/e x-o-clast x-o-gen/ic x-o-gen/ous. Cerebr: craniocerebral- pt the cerebrum, involving the skull. Neuro nervi: neurosis- an abnormal condition involving the nerve, nervous system- the system pt the nerves. Cor(e)/o: corectomy- the cutting out of something involving the pupil. Pg 76-- gland-ism: a condition caused by the malfunction of ________ (gland) Blood platelet: thrombocytopenia- a deficiency of blood platelets. Adjective masc. singular musculus cardiacus cervicalis masc. plural musculi cardiaci cervicales fem. singular vena cardiaca cervicalis fem. plural venae cardiacae cervicales neut. singular ligamentum cardiacum cervicale neut. plural ligamenta cardiaca cervicalia. Chapter 8: bones of the head and more terminations. Squamos- x-o-cleisis: otocleisis the closure of the ear x-(h)elcosis, keratohelcosis the ulceration of the cornea x-o-toxicosis, parathyrotoxicosis- the poisoning of the parathyroid gland x-o-toxicity, neurotoxicity- the ability to poison nerves. The removal of x: plasmapheresis the removal of plasma x-(en/)chysis. Ventr: ventroptosis- the downward displacement of the abdomen.