CMST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Immanuel Kant, Tabula Rasa, John Zachary Young

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We adapt to it neitzsche"s style of writing changed once he started using the typewriter thoughts became tighter, dense, put-together, crafted somehow machine translated into writing. Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts . Technological determinism idea that how we interact / who we become in society is determined by technology; channel through which you send a message matters. Marshall mcluhan: we become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us. : all technology is communication, an extension of ourselves that allows us to reach future through time and/or space. , https://www. marshallmcluhan. com. Is the internet changing our brains internet is / helped form a metaphor of a network of connectivity. We appreciate and value small pieces of information but sometimes put too much emphasis on small pieces out of context the internet changes the way our brains work. Proposed that the mind and the body are complete separate.