CMST 2C03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hypodermic Needle Model, Msnbc, Theoretical Ecology

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Medium: something or someone situated between an object (the message being sent) and a subject (the receiver of the message) Theory: a way of thinking that is more systematic and sophisticated than (cid:494)thinking(cid:495) in an everyday sense. Medium theory: an approach that emphasizes the importance of media technologies in determining the features of media products and content, as well as determining their social, cultural, political and economic uses. Information environment: aggregate of individuals, organizations, or systems that collect, process, or disseminate information. Mimetic culture: eye contact, facial expressions, poses, attitude, body language, self- decoration, gesticulation, and tones of voice. Oral culture: art, ideas etc. are transmitted orally to the next generation (songs, stories) Print culture: refers to the cultural products of the printing transformation. Electronic culture: a policy term used to describe the ever shifting relationship between new information and communication technology and the production and consumption of culture and the arts.