CMST 2G03- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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Greek myth of narcissus is directly concerned with a fact of human experience: from the greek word narcosis or numbness. The youth narcissus mistook his own reflection in the water for another person: adapted to this extension of himself and became a closed system therefore his perception is numb. Men at once became fascinated by any extension of themselves in any material other than themselves: there have been cynics who insisted that men fall in love with women who give them back their image. If narcissus is numbed by his self-amputated image, there"s a good reason for the numbness if he had known it was an extension or repetition of himself, he would have very different feelings. Medical researchers hans selye and adophe jonas hold that all extensions of ourselves be it sickness or health are attempts to maintain equilibrium.