CMST 2K03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Video Game Industry, Media Ecology, Moral Panic

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: definitions and foundations: micro-economics: study of individual markets, products, firms, and consumers in their interactions and relationships with one another, macro-economics: study of large groups, organizations, and institutions and their economics behavior. Towards a political economy of the media: the key issues and debates: types of revenue generation among media. In the video game industry, repackaging has also led to steady stream of high definition" or updated releases of older titles: reversioning: creating additional versions distinguished from original repackagings. Tv spinoffs, remakes, sequels: emergence of franchise films. Effects of media concentration: entertainment (journalism and news: four things we want from journalism in democracy, keep citizens informed, ensure authorities are accountable, provide forum for debate, represent the voice of the public. Uk (which guarantees consistent multi-year funding: at 34$ per citizen annually, cbc"s funding was 60% less than the 87$ per citizen average across.