CMST 2PR3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Justin Trudeau, Austin, Texas, Psychographic

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The father of public relations edward l. bernays. Public relations an applied social science that influences behavior and policy, when communicated effectively, motivates an individual or group to a specific course of action by creating, changing or reinforcing opinions and attitudes. Sir clifford sifton - minister of interior under sir wilfrid laurier. He was responsible for encouraging the massive immigration to canada in the early 20th century. The government of canada would just sign people up for acres of lands. Established first pr department in brazil in 1914: canadian researcher was asked to talk about this man, worked at a canadian firm in brazil, grew to be one of brazil"s largest companies. The manager must be in constant communication with the state and city government and be in good relations with the officials and a man of great tact is needed for this.