CMST 2PR3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Toshiyori, Disney Digital Network, Strategic Planning

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Mocking complaints of those in the first world. 1st reason to write well in pr - relationships. When you"re writing for public relations you"re writing to build and maintain relationships. When writing you must understand your listeners, readers or followers. 2nd reason to write well in pr - influence and persuasion. Two-way communication can still involve influence and persuasion, it"s the matter of overall balance in your relationships that determines whether they"re symmetrical or not. It is important to understand your public"s thoughts, feeling, and behaviours to make it easier for writers to influence those publics. 3rd reason to write well in pr - goals and objectives. Proficient writing helps articulate and achieve goals and objectives. You never know when the call for formalized writing will be, and you can only get so far in achieving goals and objectives without it. 4th reason to write well in pr - reputation management.