CMST 2R03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Keith Richards, Considered Dead, Real Change

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Term test i: 20: readings are not cumulative, no listening section on the exam but there are listening style questions. The in between years coincide with the presidency of j. f. Kennedy jr. , who was a unique choice: he was very young and a catholic (dominated by protestantism, his politics were what really made him an outsider, he was a left wing president. The optimism was so great that his presidency became known as camelot (round table has no head) Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country . Same time as the rise of the civil rights movement under the leadership of martin luther king jr. In august of 1963 there is a march on washington where almost 1 million people gathered and dr. King delivered his i have a dream speech. In november 22 1963 jfk takes a trip to dallas texas (even texas loved kennedy)