CMST 3JJ3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 17 pages long!)

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Final exam has us discussing 5 articles technology canadian music and diff from american music identity or authenticity (will know ahead of time) Might discover new things but usually a suggestion: is this another form of sudo individualization. Musical background: avant garde musical traditions of second viennese school, modern. Worked at german uni until office was destroyed cause father was jewish. Came form frankfurt school in germany but continued w thinkers in other places in euro and americas. One of the primary concerns of critical theory was and is the emancipation of society from ideology through critique and change: social sciences humanities produce school of critical theory. Advocated change through action rather than pure analysis or thought. Ny, south and north america, europe: strong presence in ny at columbia uni. Liberate human beings form circumstances that enslave them . When we listen we fall into idea: manufactoring of leisure time as an escape from workday stress, role of listener.