CMST 3K03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Personal Identity, Escapism, Diegesis

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The effects model as an account of relationship between audience and media: assumes that reception is linear and is one way from sender or source to receiver or audience. Who says what to who in what channel to whom with what effect? : harold lasswells theory, was formed by notions of mass communications as manipulation, media produce or solicit particular effects in their audiences. Alison young"s argument that media violence should be understood in terms of. Affects rather than effects : we should also consider for kinds of subjects or viewing positions media places on the spectator or audience, media violence should be read not just for the effects it results in. The three reading positions: dominant-hegemonic, oppositional, negotiated: dominant-hegemonic, conforms to reading or interpretation desired by media, oppositional, challenges official meanings and interpretations, negotiated, incorporates both dominant and oppositional codes in contradictory ways.