COLLAB 2N03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Active Listening, General Idea, Nonverbal Communication

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Communication: the process by which information is exchanged between a sender and a receiver, interpersonal communication involves the exchange of information between people, the simplest prototype for interpersonal communication is a one-on-one exchange between two individuals. Informal communication: informal grapevine might spread unsavoury, inaccurate rumors across the organizations: the chain of command does not consider informal communication between members. Informal communication helps people accomplish their jobs more effectively: filtering: tendency for the message to be watered down or stopped or changed. Both upwards and downward filtering can happen communication. Slowness: chain of command can be very slow specially horizontal o. Cross functional teams and employees have been used to improve this. Silence: self-censorship will result in a climate of silence: the grapevine: the informal way of communicating in a organization, communicating by word of mouth, loosely connected. 75% accurate: can transmit information relevant to the performance of the organization, cons of the grapevine is that they cause rumors.