[COMMERCE 1BA3] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (70 pages long!)

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10. 1 define communication command is often ineffective and explain why communication by the strict chain of. Communication: the process by which info is exchanged b/w sender + receiver. A strict chain of command can cause biases, filtered messages, slowness, and informal communications (inaccurate rumors). 10. 2 explain the factors that contribute to voice versus silence. Psychological safety: shared belief that it"s ok to take social risks. Mum effect: tendency to avoid sharing bad news. Satisfied employees with a strong sense of identity in their work are more likely to have a voice, as are those who are conscientious and extraverted. Self-censorship results in silence. grapevine and discuss its main features. Main features include communication by talking/notes/emails/fax, many grapevine systems (office grapevine/warehouse grapevine), and can transmit info relevant to org. performance as well as personal gossip. 10. 4 review the role of verbal and non-verbal communication at work.