COMMERCE 3S03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Attractor, Decision-Making

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You cant get to a new beginning without dealing with an ending. Changing behavior always depends on changing people"s emotions about the situation. Managers who want to implement change must ask; whos going to lose what . Rowe system: results, oriented, work, environment. Change means giving up our stable routines. You have to let people grieve the endings. Involved establishing new, emtional relationships with people that give you hope, make you beluieve that you can change, and can inspire you: repitition, experiment and practice the new skills and habits until new patterns of. Typical stages of personal change: behaiour become automatic: precontemplation. A person in the precontemplation stage isn"t interested in changing and tends to defend his or her current behavior or habits. The person may be in denial or may just not yet believe there is problem with his or her behavior: contemplation.