[COMPSCI 1TA3] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (17 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Peripheral device - devices that are outside the main computer. Generally, peripheral devices get plugged into the computer. Block diagram - simplified picture of something more complicated. Shapes and text are used to identify the important parts. Lines or arrows are used to join the shapes and text. Source code - specific instructions of a computer language. Hardware - main component is computer and peripherals. Physical parts of a computer, also includes peripherals. Software (programs) - normal users this is the programs that you run. A device that takes data and transforms it into information. A device that accepts input, processes data, stores data and produces output ( closest. To what most think a computer could be. Information - data that is processed into a meaningful form. File - a named collection of data and/or program instructions recorded on a storage media ( e. g. Cd, dvd, tapes , floppy disk, usb thumb drive)