COMPSCI 2S03- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Which of these components are software: compiler, keyboard, virtual machine, the result of compiled source code, cpu, we specify the set of common properties we want a group of objects to share by defining a. Egg has attributes and methods egg attributes (color, size, price, type) Methods (verbs, e. g. makingomelette: in which form is program code usually written and edited, source code, processor-independent byte code, processor dependent instructions. The three stages of programming: editing, compiling and executing/testing: which of these file names are valid for a java source code file that defines a primary class called dog, cat. java, dog. jav, dog. java, dog. java. d. File name must be the same as the primary class: class 6. method, main. Tri(cid:374)g pro(cid:448)er(cid:271) = (cid:862)pra(cid:272)ti(cid:272)e (cid:373)akes perfe(cid:272)t(cid:863); assig(cid:374)i(cid:374)g the (cid:862)literal(cid:863) (cid:448)alue. Yste(cid:373). out. pri(cid:374)tl(cid:374)(cid:894)(cid:862)the pro(cid:448)er(cid:271) has (cid:862) + (cid:272)hara(cid:272)tercou(cid:374)t + (cid:862) (cid:272)hara(cid:272)ters(cid:863)(cid:895); Input/output statements in java: assignment statements, variables, literals, primitive data types, operators, scanner (class to read data from keyboard)