EARTHSC 2GG3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Complex Crater, Solar Wind, Lithosphere

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Undetected house-sized meteor came to earth over russia. Slowed by atmospheric friction (19km/sec)and heated until it exploded. Fireball is incredibly bright (brighter than the sun) Shattered many building windows and caused other damages. People should get away from glass to minimize impact. Hot cloud of gas, dust and asteroid fragments blanketed the ground. More damages if impact angle was steeper. Probability seems a lot higher than it should be. For a mass extinction to occur something very large hits us at a specific angle. Small fragments hit the earth all the time and don"t cause problems. The distance that we can orbit the sun. Earth moves around the sun at a speed of 108,000 km/h. Head-on collision has a great damage as it may involve large objects and large amounts of energy. Mostly from asteroids that are fragmented from the asteroid belt (between mars and. Comets: mostly ice and frozen gases, more far away as well.