ENGLISH 1AA3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Carl Jung, Antifeminism, French Literature

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Allegory - a form of storytelling in which there is a definite narrative that exists under the storytelling part of a narrative. The allegory is usually a message, story or a fable telling us a particular message about an event. Distinguished form the primary level (literal) an allegorical writer wants the reader to see that the plot line has significance beyond just the plot level. It is a particular message that the narrative is trying to get across. On one level what you"re reading might mean something, but there is still a deeper meaning behind it. It could be an allegory to a different novel, something in society etc. Example: a room with a view, lucy wants to be in a room with a view, this is allegory to having her own thoughts and following her desires. Anxiety of influence when writers create, they want to be original and produce something that reflects their individuality.