ENGLISH 3H03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jane Austen, Aristocracy, Hyperbole

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Part #1: list of outside characters (minor), each one is framed to a specific narrative, we also have to provide the significance of either the character or event that has taken place. Mostly there will be 12 of them listed. Part #2: specific essay topic related to a narrative;2 questions, we do the essay on either one of them. Worth 50% dr. king does not want plot summary. **obviously london and bath will not be listed as places. Sense and sensibility is the only one of jane austen"s major works that takes place in london. Agrarian (tory power comes from people who own a lot of land) shift to. Merchant class becomes powerful in jane austen"s time, merchant class encompasses wealthy ppl and middle class (middle class ppl are those who are employed in the city by wealthy ppl). Land based aristocracy put less than the merchants/wealthy in advocating education for women.