ENGLISH 3RL6- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 68 pages long!)

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The sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Each has intelligence, an angel that keeps the sphere going the way it should. The devotion circles the spheres like stars circle the universe (cid:498)good friday: moving westward(cid:499) Souls are moved by a sole mover-> first mover= primum- mobile. What he is saying is that instead of the moon moving our universe, business and pleasure move our universe. The imagery of death is with the setting sun, which is in the west. His soul is going to the east towards righteousness setting of his thinking are given. He uses the paradox to get us to rethink and look at it more closely-> like a puzzle. This signals the beginning of the meditation a physical setting and the. Sun setting and rising= son setting and rising -> jesus= death and resurrection. He is connecting death with the face of god. Divinity is so beyond what humans with their perfection.