ENGINEER 1D04 Study Guide - Final Guide: Boolean Expression, Bytecode, Infinite Loop

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ENGINEER 1D04 Full Course Notes
ENGINEER 1D04 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Topics: computing, what computing is, computing is the development and use of the computer hardware and software to, solve problems. Connect people: computing is a mixture of, science, engineering, mathematics, and design, main branches of computing, computer science. Boolean operators and truth tables: programming languages. Values and types: values are the data stored and manipulated by the computer programs, types is a syntactic entity that denotes a collection of values of similar form. Expressions: a syntactic entity that denotes a value, a value will always be a result of an expression. Statements: is a syntactic entity that states something to be done, statement does something (like assigning a value to a variable). Representation of number systems: review on how to convert to base 10 decimals, review on how to convert base 10 decimals to another base. Characters and strings: characters, in computing, character represent graphemes (the unit of a writing system), ascii: